We arrived at the trailhead around 11 am and found the trail much more challenging than I thought it would be because of snow and ice. The path, normally easy, was now like navigating through a puzzle of compacted snow from off-roading. The temperature was about 41 degrees, but felt colder with the wind, so I kept my jacket on.
Walking in snow is demanding, kind of like trudging through sand but slipperier. Tire tracks from ATVs had created icy sections we had to avoid. Despite this, Godfrey seemed to enjoy the snow, which is unusual for us in Georgia.
We encountered several fallen trees either from Hurricane Helene or from the snow this past week, complicating the hike further. This trail is about 3 miles long. It’s short but on this day a little challenging due to the snow and ice.
The trail is wide and flat and quite suitable for older dogs like Godfrey even in winter. After about an hour of hiking I was finally able to shed my jacket.
We reached the first set of falls and was able to scramble down easier than I thought we could. The falls were beautiful but icy. Accessing the second set of falls was tougher due to slippery leaves and debris but we made it up there nevertheless.
I got some video of Godfrey playing in the snow. He really does seem to miss the heavy snows we used to get in Chicago. This got me to thinking. He just turned 10 about a month ago. Labradors only live on average about 12 years. I may only have a couple years left with him. I thought of a series of 100 hikes to complete before he’s unable to hike anymore. I’m not sure I have the attention span to accomplish this. We’ll see what happens.
This podcast received its first boostagram! This came in from @rnrbh via the Fountain app. This person sent in 1,000 sats and said, “Nice!”. I appreciate the support!
The descent was slippery, reinforcing the need for proper winter gear. I’ll bring the windscreen next time. This hike was a lot of fun and gave a glimpse into the physical challenge of winter hiking.
Remember, get out there and enjoy a good hike. Embrace the moment because you don’t know when it will be your last. Go take a hike!

Length: 2.93 mi
Avg. Pace: 30:27
Elev. Gain: 505 ft
Calories: 724
Moving Time: 1;29:22
Total Time: 1:34:47
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